Verse for the day

Sunday, October 18, 2009

To Boldly go again ..

Drove down Elandsriver road again. This time with Neville and Sandy. Stopped at Sand-rivier dam.  here are some pics from the trip.

Inside of what I suspect to be a filter station at Sandrivier dam

The Sand river Dam wall

A Pump stattion at the sand rivier dam wall

View from the dam wall

One of the bickers on the road - on the way back from Baviaanskloof.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

To boldly go where I have'nt gone before

On Saturday morning I was on my way to go and take photos of the Van Stadens bridge from the flower reserve when I drove past 'Uncle Freddies' and the turn off to Elandsrivier. And having always wondered where the Elandsrivier road goes, I turned right and followd the road for what would turn out to be about a hundred kilometers of glorious views in the mist and rain.

I had my Camera with me but in the end I took very view pictures. Mostly because of the rain and mist , but also because I realized that no photo will ever be able to do the scenery justice. I had a wonderful time and really enjoyed myself. In the afternoon I ended up at Paul and Helena where we had coffee before taking their dog , Milo, to Schoenmakerskop to go and play on the beach.

I must admit that after this trip I have now used all of the petrol I had available for the rest of the month, but... it was worth it.

The only way the trip could have been better would have been if I could do it on a Honda Transalp or Africa Twin.  sigh......

Maybe one day.

Monday, October 5, 2009

This weekend

This Sunday afternoon I had lunch with Paul and Helena. We had a lovely time and had fantastic Lamb that Paul grilled on a rottesserie on his braai and Potatoes , rice , vegies and pudding that Helena prepared.

I had a great time with them. After lunch Paul took us for a drive and we ended up at the Van Stadens river Flower Reserve. I did not have my camera with me and had to take this pic with my cell phone. But I promised myself that I will go back soon and go and take some proper pics.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


What a word ?! One of those words that have so many meanings. A word that evokes so many responses and emotions. And a word that I feel the need to blog about. The problem is that I run the risk of hurting people that are close and important to me.

So let us get past the disclaimer first. This post is not intended to hurt or to make anyone feel guilty or worried. This post is there purely to enable me to work through some thoughts and maybe help people understand what is going on in my mind.

Ok , so let me dive right in. I have been married for 10 years. And at the beginning of the year me and Alet got divorced. But while we were married I really loved Alet. In fact, I loved her so much that I often feared that God would take her away from me because I loved her too much. Now, whether I actually managed to convey my love to her in a manner that she could understand , believe and accept, that I am not sure of. But the fact remains that I loved her.

And then , one day , we got divorced.  And now , I find myself with questions when it comes to loving.

Did I love her too much ? Did God take her away becuase I loved her too much ?

If the answer to the above questions is 'No', then I have other questions: Will I be able to ever love another person like I loved her? Will God allow me to love someone else like that?

If I have to be honest , then I need to admit that , at the moment, I am scared to love again. While I long for companionship and love and intimacy , I am scared to love again. Or pursue love again.  But I guess that time heals all wounds.

So I will hang in there.. And maybe one day  I will have answers to my questions.