She is also a Christian. a Follower of Jesus and a woman deeply devoted to God. For 10 years she tried her level best to be a good 'straight' christian wife , and live a normal heterosexual life. But eventually the pressures of living a life of lies got too much. Not being able to be who she was created to be , was slowly killing her. And it was killing me. And so at the end of 2008 we got divorced.
I still love and respect her deeply as a friend and as the mother of my child. And I wish for her all the best that life has to offer. I wish for her joy and happiness and love and peace. I realize that the path before her will not be an easy one. And so , for the little that it is worth, to her and fellow gay or lesbian people , I need to take a stand.
The church is so fond of saying :"love the sinner, but hate the sin". And, though I do not believe that being gay is a sin, I would like to follow this line of thought for a short while.
Jesus said something about loving people . He said "Love your neighbor as yourself".
So let me go with this for a while. As a human being I wish a couple of things for myself. Things like : health, a place to stay, friends, food, love....
Let us look at that one quickly. Love.... I wish for myself someone whom I can love and who can love me. A soul mate. My other half.
I do not want to grow old all alone. I do not want to be celibate. I want to have a soul mate , a lover, a partner. Yes , I want to enjoy the intimacy of sex. So how on earth can I wish these things for myself , yet turn around and say to Alet - you are not allowed to have these things.
I think that it is very, very easy for the church to stand at a distance and say "love the sinner, hate the sin". It is a lot more difficult to say this if it is to the face of some one you love and care for like a son , a daughter or a close friend.
I am convinced that for most gay / lesbian people , being gay was never a choice. It is the way they were born. How can I tell them that the way they were created is wrong. Is a sin. Is not good enough for God.
And so , I say this to any church that sprouts the gay is a sin slogan: You are wrong ! And I will not enter or be part of a church that supports that opinion.
I realize that there is a lot more to this debate , and it was never my intention to try and debate all the points, or cover all the issues. But it was my intention to give all who want to know , an insight into my stand on the subject.
Thank you Hanno, your love and support has made this very difficult journey much more bearable. You are an amazing person and i am glad to have you in my life.
Hanno, my heart was absolutely ripped in two when I read this. When we spoke at cell last night, I had absolutely no inkling that the contents of the post you were referring to were going to be what I have read here.
This is more than a "stand" - this is an honest, heart-wrenching account of a couple who have had to deal with their sexuality over many years. For you to go through all of this, hurt as you are, without any apparent bitterness - not to mention an obvious and ongoing deep love for Alet - is a true measure of Christian character.
I will also always remember (despite not having known her for all that long) the integrity, love and zeal that Alet brought to her ministry with the youth. I also admire both of you for remaining steadfast in your relationship with God despite the untold difficulties experienced in ministry alone, never mind any other turmoils you were having to deal with. Both of you carried yourselves with dignity - no-one can ever dispute that.
My prayer is that both of you will find healing, happiness, and - most importantly - God's will for your lives.
peace and love brother
Hi, I stand with you!Grace is not excluding anybody.
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