Now if I talk of girls then I do mean all girls , although in my mind all of this will be focused on that one special girl in a man's , and one day my life.
While I am at it , let me get all of the small print out of the way. Whilst I tried, I do need to acknowledge and admit that there were times in my married life where this did not shine through as well as it should or could have. And I will always stand guilty to that and saddened to the fact that I did not show this as well as I should have.
Ever since I can remember I was fascinated by girls. No , wait, maybe I should rephrase that. Ever since I was old enough to fall in love, I was fascinated by girls. I was intrigued by their beauty and grace and, will this make sense , their potential. Girls were these incredibly beautiful and special creatures.
As far as I was concerned , then and now, girls were the pinnacle of creation. I do not think that God created anything more precious or incredible before or since He created girls. I believed , and still do , that God created nothing more beautiful or special than a girl. And like with most special things , also nothing more fragile. And so from an early age I believed that girls needed to be respected and appreciated and protected. Somewhere in all of this I also believed that a girl had a mind and will of her own , and that her emotions and humanity were very , very important.
And I believe that if , as a man, I treat a girl with respect, love and care that it will bring out the best and the potential they were created to have to the fore. And that a girl living to the potential that God created her to be will be even more beautiful and special and sexy. And by the way : Sexy is so far removed from sex and what the media tries to make it. The sexiest girls , the ones that catch your eye and steals your breath , are not the pretiest ones. They are the girls who are confident in themselves and in who they were created to be.
I need to say that I have yet to meet the girl who really belies how special she is in God's eyes. And I know that the Devil goes out of his way to break down the self worth of the girls in our lives. Just look at how women are portrayed in the media.
So why did I post this? I truly do not know.
Maybe just to say this. If you my dear reader is of the male persuasion , then treat the girls in your life with the respect and love and care that they deserve as the pinacle of creation.
And if you are a girl. Then see yourself as God sees you. Realize the awesome potential that you have in you. And stop trying to measure up to the image that the media created of what you should be like.
1 comment:
Hey, I'm glad you read to the end and didn't delete me!
Oh, and you're right. Girls are awesome. Don't know what we'd be doing without them. Probably nothing good.
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