Verse for the day

Friday, March 6, 2009

Exhibitionism and voyeurism

Better know as Blogging and blog reading . ‘Cause let us face it . Blogging is a form of exhibitionism and reading blogs a form of voyeurism.

But let us start at the beginning. The question in mind my mind that gave rise to the thought above was this : Why do we blog ?

A question that I wondered about a lot in the last while. I can only answer for myself .

I Blog beacsue I need to. It is a way for me to organize my thoughts. To Share my feelings and to bitch when things go wrong. Speaking off …. I used to bitch a lot on my blogs. And I know why.

Let me backtrack a bit. When I was younger I used to write. Nothing profound. Nothing that would ever have been published. But things that came from my heart. Things that dealt with my pain and struggles and joys. Personal things. Originally, when I started blogging , the plan was to write those things. But then I realized that the people who know me read my blogs. And that especially my (ex)wife read my blog. And that the things I write had the potential to hurt her. And so I did not write the deep things. Stupid ,don’t you think?

And so my blogs changed into bitching pages. Moaning about things gone wrong , etc.

And so for me , as I go into this new phase of my life , this would have to change. I have decided to be honest about and with myself. And to write what I feel.

And of you , the reader , I ask this. Please do not take what you read on this blog personally. Please see in it my need to be honest with myself and about myself. Please understand that I do not write to hurt anybody. But that I write to share , who I am , what I feel , and where I am .

And so , back to the question : Why do I blog ?

I blog , because I want people who know me to read. Because I want them to see a side of me that is sometimes so very well hidden. To share my pain and joy . I blog , because sometimes it is easier to share what is inside than it is to do face to face.


Steven Jones said...

Eek! He's exposing himself!

(So is THAT the real reason why we blog? Hee hee)

Word verification: "Matisog". An appeal to a lady to sit down, spelled backwards...

McGyver said...

I like the way you put it. Makes sense!

Makes me think as to what I can gain from blogging...

One thought which comes to mind, is that it can help me to get into journalling, making mental notes on paper (albeit electronic paper). This is something I've been trying to delop as a habit for some time, but...