I fail so miserably at believing what my blog title says.
On days like this I think about what lies ahead, and I look at the piles of unpaid bills , and I cringe when the phone rings and the display reads "ID withheld".
And this burden becomes to much. I become focused on my needs and fears. I become stressed out and depressed.
And in all of this I make my God small. I limit Him to what I believe is possible. And to what I believe He thinks of me and what I believe He thinks I am worthy of.
I believe that God is almighty and Loving. But somewhere I lose the plot and I believe that He is all of those things to others , but not to me. That I am different. That I do not deserve any of His love and Grace and care.
Some days are difficult. Some days really hurts. In fact some days really suck!
This is one of those days.
And then to top it all off, I feel guilty for having days like this. What a stupid cycle !