I have a little plug in on my web browser(Firefox) called "Stumble". Stumble allows me to specify things that interest me , and then by clicking on the stumble button it would direct me to random websites that deal with one of those interests . Very addictive to be honest.
But any way .. This evening I stumbled
onto this site , with a very long story about the jewish feast of tabernacles. At the end of this post the author mentions how (s)he found that writing down 5 good things that (s)he expereienced per day , helped to keep him/her from depression.
And I thought that this was a good idea. And so I will also try to do two things.
1. blog more regularly
2. post 5 good things per day ( when I blog)
So here goes .
Today I experienced God thru the following 5 things.
1. I watched a movie with my wife called " Ouma se slim kind"
2. I had coffee with my friend Neville and his wife.
3. I listened to a couple of worship songs on my pc.
4. I had coffee with my wife in a coffee shop.
5. Alet took Jaco to school this morning and I could stay in bed till late.
It is amazing to note how hard I had to think to find these 5 things. Yet I realize that God blessed me with so much more.
I pray that my eyes will open and that I will see all the things I have to be thankfull for every day.